
We offer after-hours delivery at our BP depot across the road. The BP is open till 6pm.

Tips for Total Summer Wellbeing

With the arrival of warmer weather and longer days, it's the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors. As you embrace the sunshine and outdoor activities, it’s important to keep your health and safety in mind.

From safeguarding your skin to handling the bumps and bruises that come with more active days, we’re here to help you keep you and your family healthy all season long.

Kaeo Chemist Shop

Our mission is to “enhance wellbeing” and we want to ensure safety by checking your nutritional herbal and conventional medicines are compatable.We are a small friendly pharmacy with limited hours to ensure viability in an amazing part of NZ! We have a large Māori customer base so like to focus on Māori health inequalities to ensure we do our very best for all our patients.